Tuesday, March 4, 2014

It's a .........

After my frustration in my last project I was anxious to weave up something...anything. I used some tan solid colored acrylic for a warp and a blue variegated hand spun wool for weft.

Ok so here's my confession....I think I have been doomed to hate wool. When my middle child was in diapers I used wool diaper covers and loved them. However, any time I would wash, or mess with them beyond just sliding them on his butt...I would sneeze. And my eyes would water....and itch. I was in denial because I loved them all so much. Heck, I had even learned to knit with the sole purpose of knitting longies for him. Finally, when my youngest was born...I had to realize the fact that I just couldn't handle it.

I say all of that to say...why did I touch this wool yarn!? It was beautiful....and a gift and I wanted to make use of it. So on I wove....watering eyes a blazing.

I have no idea what I wove. Too wide and short to be a scarf. It is pretty. One of these days I'll Zyrtec up and sew it into something pretty...and then sell it so it can leave my house.

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